What Makes Malden Aquatics so Special?
Over 90% of our instructors are certified teachers. Our instructors have a true passion for teaching and have made it a life-long career.
You are not locked into any contracts! If you have purchased a swim lesson package and wish to cancel, we will return payments for any unused lessons and simply prorate your previous sessions.
Our hours are not simply 9-5. We answer our phones and call back during extended hours.
We offer Online Blended Learning Courses (BLC). Begin your American Red Cross course from the comfort and convenience of your own computer!
Our flexible scheduling works around YOUR needs. We will provide you with the same instructor in order to build a relationship of trust and respect.
We offer lessons and courses at our facility as well as your home. We give your child every opportunity to feel comfortable, confident, and successful.
We offer FREE workshops for parents, children and community members throughout the year. Stay informed on how to keep your child safe in and outside the pool environment.
Although a course might end, our involvement with our students continues. All course participants are enrolled into our job placement program and receive important updates regarding their American Red Cross certifications.
Our instructors understand the importance of creating an exciting and engaging course/lesson. Students leave our courses knowledgeable and confident, while having fun!
Student surveys are used by instructors to tailor the learning experience to each participant’s needs and interests.
Our high quality facility, expert instructors, and personalized service make Malden Aquatics the number one choice for all of your American Red Cross and aquatic needs!